Terms and Conditions:

Article 1. WHO IS WHO?

This website, including subdomains and the services offered, is operated by Apéroof BV.

Apéroof bv, with registered office at:

Klotstraat 22

3600 Genk, BE

Registered with company number 0718.606.880, info@aperoof.com

We are also responsible for the websites www.tickets.aperoof.com and aperoof.anykrowd.app.

User; Anyone who visits our website, regardless of whether this is purely for information purposes and/or for the purpose of our services. Visitor; Any person who wishes to reserve a festival ticket via our website and/or who already has a festival ticket in his/her name. Further referred to as buyer.


This text governs any use of the website, including the services offered through it. As soon as one enters the website as a user, one declares to agree to these General Terms and Conditions. One also declares, as a user, to be entitled to commit oneself to these General Terms and Conditions, or to enter into this commitment under the supervision and with the authorisation of an authorised person.

If you do not agree with our website and/or these Terms and Conditions, we can only recommend that you stop using it.

Specific conditions may replace these General Terms and Conditions. This will only be the case if they are agreed upon and laid down in writing. These specific conditions only apply to the part of the General Terms and Conditions from which they deviate.

Any reference to our Terms and Conditions always implies a reference to the whole of our legal texts, i.e. including our Terms and Conditions of Sale, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy and House Rules.

We may decide to unilaterally change our Terms and Conditions at any time, without giving rise to any compensation. Of course, any change will only work for the future, so you are never bound to anything unwanted. We recommend taking note of possible changes to our General Terms and Conditions on a regular basis.

Section 2.1 Using the website

Any user of our website, including services, is aware that such use is always entirely at their own risk. Our website can be visited on an 'as is' basis, i.e. without any (implicit or explicit) guarantee or condition. Of course, we do not offer you a website without having taken all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure the proper functioning and security of our websites. Nevertheless, we cannot give absolute guarantees. It is therefore possible that the user may suffer damage as a result of 'errors' and/or viruses or similar harmful components plaguing our website and/or servers. However, we are not liable for any damage resulting from the use of the website, including its services.

In addition, the website is provided on an 'as available' basis. We cannot give any guarantees regarding the accessibility of our website and the services offered. We will always take all reasonable measures to minimise the risk of breakdowns and/or interruptions, but shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from a lack of access to the website and its services.

Certain content may be available for download from our website. Any download from our website is always at your own risk and any damage resulting from a loss of data or damage to the computer system is entirely and exclusively the responsibility of the user.

Users and third parties must refrain from acts that may endanger the use of this website. Supposing that such an act compromises the proper functioning and/or safe character of our website (including services) and/or leads to the inadequate accessibility of our website, the responsible person shall be solely personally and integrally liable for any damage caused. If the responsible person is a user, he has an obligation of indemnity towards Apéroof bv.

Finally, our website contains many references to other websites and/or electronic communication portals that are not under the actual control of Apéroof BV. Posting such a reference does not automatically mean that we (implicitly) agree with the content of those websites. These links are therefore to be clicked and visited at the user's own risk and responsibility. Apéroof bv is not liable for any resulting damage.

Section 2.2 Information on our website

Apéroof bv takes the greatest care with its websites and the information that appears on them. This means that we take the necessary measures to keep our website as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible. This concerns a resource commitment. We may therefore change, supplement or remove our website and its content at any time.

Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the quality of information on our website. Therefore, the information may not be complete, sufficiently accurate and/or useful. Consequently, we are not liable for (direct and indirect) damage resulting from actions taken by the user on the basis of the information on our website. Similarly, information and files originating from third parties also appear on the website. These third parties, and not Apéroof bv, are responsible for the quality of this content. We are not obliged to check this content in advance, even if we place the content on the website ourselves.

If certain content on our website violates applicable laws and/or infringes the rights of third parties and/or is simply unacceptable, we ask you to notify us as soon as possible so that we can take appropriate action.

Section 2.3 What about my privacy?

Every user of our website leaves information about themselves. This amount of information varies as more actions are carried out, for example after registration. Depending on the quality of the information, it is possible that a natural person can be identified. At that point, we collect and process personal data.

As privacy and protection of personal data are important to us, we have taken the trouble to inform you in the most comprehensive way possible about the processing of personal data we carry out. We would therefore like to refer you to our Privacy Policy.

Section 2.4 Intellectual property

Creativity deserves protection, so too does our website and its content. Protection is provided by intellectual property rights. Such rights also apply to our website and its content. By content we mean the very broad category of photos, video, audio, text, ideas, notes, drawings, articles cetera. All this content is protected by copyright law, software law, database law, design law and other applicable (intellectual) property rights. The technical nature of our website itself is protected by copyright law, software law and database law. Any trade name we use on our websites is also protected by applicable trade name law or trademark law.

Each user is granted a limited right of access, use and display of our websites and its content. This granted right is non-exclusive, non-transferable and can only be used within a personal, non-commercial framework.

We therefore ask our users not to use and/or modify the intellectual property rights described in this article without the permission of the rights holder.

Section 2.5 Applicable law

These General Terms and Conditions (including the Conditions of Sale) are exclusively governed and interpreted in accordance with Belgian Law. Disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of the district of Limburg, Tongeren division.

Should the operation or validity of one or more of the above provisions of these general terms and conditions be compromised, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this agreement.

Any disclaimer of liability by Apéroof bv should always be interpreted in the broadest possible way. The titles we use in our legal documents are always purely illustrative. You cannot therefore draw any legal value from them.

Have a question or comment? We make time for you. Your opinion is important to us.

We try to make our website and our offered services as correct as possible, but we are not always in the right position to notice defects or other problems. Consequently, we ask you, the user, to pass on any useful comments or complaints to us. You can do this by sending an e-mail to info@aperoof.be. We will do everything necessary to provide your complaint or comment with an effective, genuine answer as quickly as possible.

Article 3. TICKETS

These are our TERMS OF SALE:

What does Apéroof offer you?

Depending on what you need as a visitor, we can offer you the following;

• ACCESS TICKET; this is the ticket that gives you access to the event site. You must exchange this ticket for a band at the entrance. Only this bracelet gives you access to the grounds. Tickets are strictly personal and can only be exchanged for a band by the person identified on the ticket.

• FOOD & DRINKS TOKENS; You can order these at any time via the official Apéroof App. These tokens are strictly subject to the refund policy as described in ....

• Our prices are those as stated on the Website or in the App, always expressed in euros (including VAT and taxes, excluding service and payment fees).

We reserve the right to change the terms and prices of our tickets, vouchers and tokens at any time, without any formality or prior notice. Such changes will only operate for the future. If you have already purchased a ticket then nothing will change for you.

Section 3.1. How to book a ticket?

The only way to get a valid ticket is through our official sales website: tickets.aperoof.com. 

Ordering an entry ticket for friends, colleagues, family et cetera (so-called third parties) poses no problem. We do ask for the name of the end user, for access control, the user's date of birth for control of serving alcohol to minors, the user's gender to estimate the number and type of sanitary facilities.

The person or company placing the order is then considered the client and is responsible for providing the information we request correctly. Blessed by internet, we only sell our tickets online. To give you a little more information in advance about how the sale takes place, we would like to go through all the steps - briefly. Take your time to go through everything. We promise, it won't be a cross-examination.

Via www.aperoof.com, you will enter our sales website tickets.aperoof.com.

Here you will be able to purchase the various tickets.


Step 1: Select your tickets

In step 1, decide what type and how many tickets you want to order. Check which tickets we offer in advance to avoid mistakes in the heat of the moment.

Step 2: Fill in your details

To make sure you actually exist, we ask for your personal data in this step. As the person responsible for the purchase, you are the client/buyer from now on. We ask for nothing more than your name and email address in case we need to contact you.

It is important that the information you provide us with is consistent with reality. Without, for example, a valid email address, we cannot send you tickets. Here we also explicitly ask you to approve our Terms and Conditions.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. For more information around the processing of personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Step 3: Choose a payment method

We can only confirm your order after immediate payment. If payment is not made, the tickets will automatically go back on sale.

The following payment methods are available:

• Bancontact / Mister Cash

• iDEAL (for visitors with a bank account in the Netherlands)

To ensure the security of your online transaction(s), we only cooperate with the above payment partners and credit card issuers. Online payments are made through a closed security system which reduces the risk of loss and/or theft of your identity or credit card details to an absolute minimum. We are obviously not liable for any shortcomings of the above payment partners and credit card issuers.

Step 4: Order summary

This is the last step in the ordering process. Take enough time to check that all details are correct. Suppose you did make a mistake, simply return to the previous step(s) in the ordering process and correct where necessary.

Step 5: Pay safely

You can report problems with your ticket reservation at info@aperoof.com. Always include your name, address and phone number so we can help you as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Step 6: Personalise your tickets

To us, you are not a number. After purchasing your tickets, you or the user of the tickets will have to enter further data. Each ticket is personal and therefore non-transferable. This means that you cannot pass it on or sell it to anyone else. At the entrance, we check whether your identity matches the identity on the ticket. Only if there is a match will you gain access to the festival. So again, it is important to provide correct information. Think you will forget this? Don't worry, after the purchase we will send you an e-mail asking you to personalise your tickets.

Only after this personalisation step will you receive the tickets and be able to use them as valid admission tickets.

The protection of your privacy is important to us. For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Completed steps 1 to 5?

The reservation is final as soon as the payment is completed. From this moment the purchase is final, i.e. your festival ticket is neither refundable nor exchangeable. In the absence of immediate payment, there is no reservation. After payment, you will see a screen showing a support ID number. This is the number of your order, please make a note of it. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail asking you to personalise your tickets.

Completed step 6 as well? 

All tickets ordered will be sent to you as an "Entrance Ticket". This means that a PDF file will be emailed to you. As a buyer, you are obliged to carefully examine the e-mail upon receipt for possible errors on our part. If we have delivered our services defectively, as a buyer you have seven (7) days to report this. If your report/complaint is declared admissible, we will of course correct our mistake. If you fail to submit a motivated complaint within the given period, your right expires.

You can save the PDF file on your smartphone or print it out. It counts as the only valid admission ticket.

Only the first provider of the original festival ticket and/or campsite ticket will be granted access to the event or campsite. The provider must be able to link their identity to the identity on the ticket.

The holder of a copied festival ticket or camping ticket will be refused entry. So make sure no one can copy your festival ticket and campsite ticket and never share an image of your ticket(s) with the barcode visible on it via social media.

Section 3.3. Do I have a right of withdrawal on my tickets?

As a consumer, you do not have the right to withdraw from the purchase. The right of withdrawal does not apply because it concerns a service for leisure activities, i.e. the reservation of tickets, which, moreover, is carried out immediately.

By agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions, as a consumer you expressly declare that you are no longer entitled to the right of withdrawal as soon as Apéroof bv has executed the agreement. Your reservation will be executed immediately and automatically after payment.


As we have been facing the consequences of fake tickets and tickets at extortionate prices for years, we make great efforts to counter this abuse as much as possible. The only way to buy a valid ticket is through the official sales website: tickets.aperoof.com.

Each admission ticket is in your name, is strictly personal and cannot be transferred. This means you cannot resell it or pass it on to anyone else. If your identity does not match the identity on the ticket, you will not be admitted to the event.

None of the tickets purchased may be given away through any competition, promotion or advertisement without Apéroof bv's express written consent. So to avoid disappointments, we strongly advise against using unofficial sales channels. Chances are, your ticket will not give you access to the festival.

Only our official partners may organise competitions in which Apéroof tickets are given away, subject to prior authorisation.

Apéroof bv has the right to cancel festival tickets and camping tickets as soon as it finds that tickets are offered for sale despite the ban. The cancellation renders the ticket unusable, even for the initial buyer. Cancellation does not entitle to any kind of refund. All costs resulting from the cancellation shall be borne by the buyer.

The law of 30 July 2013 on the sale of tickets to events has made a number of measures available to us to prevent unlawful resale. We will not hesitate to undertake these (legal) options.

Don't give fraudsters a chance and help us eliminate this abuse. Are you aware of an unofficial ticket offer on the internet or elsewhere. Let us know at info@aperoof.com.

Article 5. The APÉROOF mobile app

Section 5.1. Definitions

"Account": the personal user account generated by the Application once the User has registered via his Google account, Facebook account or by completing the (electronic) registration form.

“Terms of Use” means these terms of use governing access to and use of the Application.

“Application” or “Platform”: a platform made available to the User by the Organizer for the organization of events and which gives access to the use of certain Services.

“User”: any natural person who downloads the Application and creates an Account. 

“Services”: the services that the User can use after downloading the Application, such as but not limited to: purchasing tickets for an event, purchasing merchandising or credit for drinks, etc.

"Content": the content uploaded by a User with the intention of sharing it on the Platform, i.e. photos, images, texts, messages, etc. 

Section 5.2. Purpose of the Application

The Application is a platform intended for the total experience of the User at one or more events organized by the Organiser. Via the Application, the Organizer can, among other things (but not limited to), inform the User about an event, the User can, among other things (but not limited to) use certain Services such as the purchase of tickets, drink credit, merchandising, etc. or communicate with the Organizer and with third-party Users.

Section 5.3. Scope

These Terms of Use define and regulate the legal relationship between Organizer and the User(s) with respect to any use of the Application. These Terms of Use apply to any use of the Application. The use of the Application includes, among other things, consulting, posting, uploading and downloading Content, registering an account, purchasing Services, etc. 

These Terms of Use apply exclusively to Users. Unregistered users cannot access the Application. Any use of the Application also constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the Terms of Use set forth herein.

Section 5.4. Creating an Account

To use the Application, the User must create an Account by:

(i) logging in via his/her Google account;

(ii) logging in through his/her Facebook account, or;

(iii) filling in the personal data in the registration form that is made available after downloading the Application.

The Registration Form must be completed completely, accurately and truthfully. Upon registration, Users must accept the Terms of Use contained herein by checking the appropriate box. The Organizer reserves the right to accept or refuse registration. The Registration may be refused for, among others, but not limited to, the following reasons: 

  • The User does not provide the data requested for identification or the User provides incomplete or incorrect data; 

  • The User tries to register several or more times by using different names; - The User makes unauthorized use of the identity of a third party;

  • The User does not comply with the obligations contained in these terms of use, has not complied with them in the past or the Organizer can reasonably assume that he will not comply with them in the future; 

  • Any other reason on the basis of which the Organizer can reasonably judge that the registration cannot be accepted. 

By accepting these Terms of Use, Users warrant to us that they are over the age of 13 or have parental or guardian consent. The Organizer reserves the right to immediately, unconditionally and unilaterally close any Account that violates these or any other specific rules without any warning. Until the child's 18th birthday, the parents remain responsible for the use, transactions and activities of the account. 

After registering as a User, the User's Account becomes active upon acceptance of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The activation of the Account will be confirmed by an email to the User's email address. The User then gains access to the Application. 

Users can terminate their Account themselves on the Application by means of the 'DELETE ACCOUNT' button in the profile. The personal data in the Account will then be further processed for the purposes and duration as described in our Privacy Policy.

Section 5.5. Use of the Application and the Services

The use of the Application is exclusively reserved for Users. Only Users can use the Services offered through the Application. Certain Services can be enjoyed free of charge, other Services require that the User has previously made a cash balance available in the Application by means of a payment in the Application. 

In his/her Account, the User can view an overview of all transactions he/she has made through his/her Account. Payments are possible via Bancontact, via the User's banking app or cash at the event. 

The User is responsible for all posted Content. Copyrighted material belonging to third parties may not be used without prior permission from the owner. The Organizer expressly reserves the right to change or delete the content of the Application (including hyperlinks), the (contents of the) Services and the information entered by Users at any time and without prior notice. The Organizer reserves the right to remove any Content from the Application and the Platform. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to dangerous, prohibited and harmful Content; Content that does not classify within the purpose of the Application and for Content that infringes the intellectual property rights of other Users or third parties. 

In order to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of the Application, the Organizer reserves the right to remove all Content related to an event after the event has ended.

Section 5.6. Costs related to the use of the Application 

By accepting these Terms of Use, the User agrees to the following costs related to the use of the Application: 

  • Reloading money balance to the Application: €0.99 incl. VAT per reload, regardless of the reloading amount 

  • Refund of the outstanding money balance from the Application to the account of the registered User: €2.50 incl. VAT

These costs will be automatically charged and deducted when executing the transactions. The User accepts and agrees that the money balance on the Application will expire and accrue to the Organizer after the hereunder described refund period ending on the twenty-fifth (25) of September. In the period between September the twenty-sixth (26) and the September the twenty-second (22) these terms and conditions clearly and unequivocally stipulate that refund requests will not be accepted. 

In the period between September the twenty-third (23) and September the twenty-fifth (25), the User has the right to submit a request for a refund to the organization. The organization then reserves the right to accept or refuse this request.

Section 5.7. Fair and Safe Use

The User is himself liable for any use that he or third parties make of the Application as well as of the Services offered therein through his/her Account. The User indemnifies the Organizer against all claims from third parties related to non-compliance by the User with these Terms of Use: 

The User will refrain from using the Application and/or the Services or having them used for unlawful acts, committing criminal acts and civil crimes and/or for acts contrary to these Terms of Use.

 The User will also refrain from: 

  1. passing on his/her Account details to third parties; 

  2. registering multiple accounts using different names;

  3. providing incorrect personal data;

  4. using the identity of a third party or using a false name;

  5. logging into Accounts belonging to a third party. The User undertakes to immediately inform the Organizer of any unauthorized use of his login and password and to immediately report any (possible) breach of the security of the Application to the Organizer. 

The User is responsible for ensuring the integrity and correctness of the Content posted by him/her and that the Content does not infringe any legal or contractual obligation. Under no circumstances may the Application be used for storing or distributing illegal Content, such as but not limited to:

  • Distributing, making available and/or offering copyrighted material such as video images, music, texts, images, etc. without prior permission from the author through Organiser's infrastructure;

  • Distributing, making available and/or offering sexually tinted content or hateful, vulgar, racist, ethically irresponsible, discriminatory or other material belonging to this category that is prohibited by Belgian law; 

It is also prohibited to use the Application to distribute software with the aim of causing damage to third parties, including viruses, trojan horses, programming code with the aim of erasing or damaging data, damaging or destroying hardware or more in the generally damage the Application offered. 

It is prohibited to interfere in any way with access to and use of the Application. 

It is prohibited to use the Application to damage the image and reputation of the Organizer and / or the Service Provider. If activities are detected that go against the provisions of these Terms of Use, the User's account will be immediately closed and/or the Organizer may, depending on the nature of the violation, take one or more of the following actions: 

  1. The User's Account for stop indefinitely; 

  2. Permanently terminate the User's Account;

  3. Charge additional costs, fines and damages; 

  4. Remove the relevant Content; 

  5. take all necessary steps to end the abuse. The User has no possibility of appeal against this decision of the Organiser.

Section 5.8. Liability

(a) Liability for the content of the Application 

The Organizer pays the greatest possible attention and care to the content of the Application. However, this content is subject to change, can be removed at any time and is provided to you without any express or implied warranty of correctness. 

We are not liable for damage resulting from using the content of the Application in any way or for damage caused by distributing it, whether this content was correct or incorrect. The Organizer makes every effort to provide 24/7 access to the Application. 

However, given the technical characteristics of the Internet and information technology, and the need for periodic maintenance, updates or upgrades, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access and services. In the event of any interruption or disruption of access or services, we will do our best to rectify this within the shortest possible time. Such normally acceptable interruptions or malfunctions are inherent to services via the Internet and cannot be regarded as defects or omissions. In no event shall they give rise to liability for any damages or other remedy. 

We pay the utmost attention and care to the presence of hyperlinks to the websites of third parties. However, we cannot guarantee that these links will work. We are not liable for the correctness of the information published on the websites of third parties. In the event of a normally acceptable interruption in the functioning of these hyperlinks, the Organizer will do everything reasonably possible to remedy this within a reasonable possible time. This can under no circumstances give rise to liability for any compensation or recourse. 

The Organizer does not guarantee the timely and legible arrival of Content that can be sent via the internal message system. The Organizer cannot be held responsible for the loss of data due to a technical failure or human error. The Organizer shall not be liable for any loss of assets or reputation, or for any other specific direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or in any way related to the use of the Application.

 Where applicable, we exclude warranty and liability if and to the extent permitted by applicable law. The User indemnifies the Organizer against any claim from governments or third parties for infringement of any nature whatsoever against these Terms of Use and the User will have all damage that we or the third parties with whom we have entered into an agreement with regard to the operation of the Application, suffered by his/her acts or omissions on the Application in full.

(b) Liability for Content Posted by Users

The Organizer draws attention to the fact that it is not the owner of the Content uploaded by Users and is therefore not liable for this Content, nor for any defects, shortcomings or illegal nature thereof. 

The Organizer does not warrant that the Content displayed will not infringe any applicable law or the rights or interests of third parties or visitors to the Application and does not warrant that any User's post or any User-uploaded image is accurate, complete, or current. We disclaim all liability for Content uploaded by Users that violate the rights of third parties, applicable criminal law or public order and morality. 

If a User becomes aware of the presence of such content and believes that his/her property rights have been violated, he/she must immediately inform the Organizer so that it can take appropriate measures. The User who has uploaded or posted any Content shall be solely liable for it, as well as for any claims or legal consequences arising therefrom. The User shall indemnify and hold harmless the Organizer against any claim for damages and all related costs of visitors or third parties arising from the violation or violation of rights by the uploaded Content for which it is solely responsible. 

Users cannot hold the Organizer liable for content posted by other Users, behavior of other Users or Content uploaded by other Users. In the event of a dispute with another User, the User shall not hold the Organizer liable and indemnify it for any claims, demands and damages arising from this dispute or in any way related thereto.


Only the first provider of the original admission ticket will be allowed access to the event. The holder of a copied ticket will be refused entry. So make sure no one can copy your festival ticket and/or camping ticket.

Prohibited on the event site: liquids, glass, cans, camelbags, sharp objects, alcohol, nitrous oxide, drugs or narcotics, animals, sound, film, video and photographic equipment, fires and any other object that may be considered dangerous by the organisation. Before entering the premises, people may be lawfully scanned and asked to open bags or pouches. If refused, entry will be prohibited, as will possession of drugs or narcotics.

The artists and the organisers, their agents and servants cannot be held liable for damage, loss or theft, nor for any possible accident. Official sales of festival merchandise take place only at the festival site.

It is not allowed to hand out gadgets, samples or any other products at the entrance of/near/on the festival meadow and campsites unless written agreements have been made in advance.

Apéroof is an event where everyone is welcome. Transgressive behaviour will

not be tolerated by the organisation.

By purchasing a ticket, you expressly confirm that as a visitor you are bound by our HOUSE RULES. Any breach of these will be sanctioned. Apéroof reserves the right to deny anyone access to the grounds at any time if there are sufficient grounds to do so. If you violate the rules, you are solely responsible for this. You are also required to indemnify Apéroof against any consequences of your infringement, including claims by third parties. In addition, we reserve the right to take the appropriate (legal) steps ourselves.

Article 7. Liability – Cancellation – Force Majeure – Programme Changes 

The Apéroof organisation shall only be liable for any failure attributable to it, whether contractual or extra-contractual in nature, insofar as such liability has not been expressly excluded or limited in these General Terms and Conditions. Our total liability is in any case limited to compensation for direct damage and can never exceed the value of the service provided, being the Apéroof ticket. Liability for any form of indirect damage is expressly excluded.

Liability in case of force majeure is completely excluded. Force majeure means any circumstance beyond the control of the Apéroof organisation, which prevents it, even temporarily, from fulfilling all or part of its obligations. The Apéroof organisation is not liable for the commitments of its partners.

Any third party (including visitors) who, through a fault attributable to him, compromises the liability of the Apéroof organisation, including Apéroof bv and its employees, must indemnify the Apéroof organisation in full and on first demand against any claim made by third parties. This indemnification obligation means that you must always voluntarily intervene in any dispute and/or legal proceedings brought against the Apéroof Organisation by a third party and bear any financial consequences thereof yourself.

If the event is cancelled, the customer will be given a choice between the following options:

1. The ticket price, excluding the service and administration fee, will be refunded to the person or company that placed the order.

2. The ticket will be converted into a voucher valid to obtain an admission ticket for the next event.

It is of course possible that the cancellation is due to force majeure; this is any situation beyond our control that prevents us, even temporarily, from carrying out all or part of our obligations. In such a case, we are not obliged to allow the festival to go ahead, depending of course on the situation. There will be no refund or compensation in case of force majeure except by express agreement of both parties.

Changes in the programme do not entitle you to a partial or full refund of the ticket. We regret it ourselves if a change occurs but trust that there is always a plan B ready to make up for it.