Privacy Policy 

Privacy matters. You trust us with the data we collect about you and we want to build on that trust. Transparent communication is part of this. That is why we want to give you more information about what we do with your personal data.

We use your personal data to allow you to buy tickets and consumptions for our events via our app (contract), through our ticket sales platform (contract) and to better understand your interests and preferences (legitimate interest). You can still buy tickets and drinks without the app, this is however an exception arrangement as we handle an app-first policy. And since we better understand what you want with the app, we can offer you personalized promotions and discounts. This way we offer you a better experience and you will of course be happy to return to our future events. We will certainly keep you informed of those future events – and other news. We use the following types of personal data: ● First name ● Last name ● E-mail address ● (Phone number) ● (City of residence) (street, number, postal, city, country) ● pseudonym name /nickname ● (gender) ● (date of birth) ● upload transactions ● expenditure transactions ● all interactions between you and the event/organizer; ● personal tags that you activate ● + all extra fields that are created and used by the organizer itself.

Concerning the app, you can delete your account manually, some data will then be deleted, other data will be made irreversibly anonymous, but will be retained to continue to display accounting correctness. Concerning the data we gather when buying a ticket, you can request us via mail (, to remove the data we are legally able to remove. 

We keep your personal data even after the event has taken place, up to 7 years after your visit. We do this to comply with accounting legislation. Our platform is supported by a number of technical partners, e.g. for storing your data or sending messages. They therefore receive some of your personal data. But we do make sure that they only use this data to support us and not to promote their own services, for example. They only receive your personal data for technical reasons and no longer than necessary. 

You can always receive a copy of your personal data and more information about the processing of your personal data. Please contact us by email at or Know that you can not only ask for a copy of your personal data, but also that we correct it and in some cases even delete it. If you have a complaint about how we handle your personal data, please send us a message by email. We then try to find a solution together. If that fails, you can also file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority.